
Acoustid Reports

These are reports that identify potentially bad links between Acoustid and MusicBrainz

Acoustid links to multiple songs with different name by same artist and bad match song length doesnt match fingerprint
Acoustid links to multiple songs with different name by same artist, bad match song length similar length to fingerprint
Acoustid links to multiple songs by different artist, good link has over 500 sources, bad link only 1
Acoustid links to multiple songs by different artist, good link has between 100 and 500 sources, bad link only 1
Acoustid links to multiple songs by different artist, good link has between 5 and 100 sources, bad link only 1
Acoustid links to multiple songs by different artist, good link has over 2 sources, bad link only 1
Acoustid links to MusicBrainz Recording 30% difference, only one submission, no other MB linked to Acoustid
Acoustid links to MusicBrainz Recording 30% difference, only one submission, multiple other MB linked to Acoustid
Acoustid links to MusicBrainz Recording 30% difference, multiple submission, no other MB linked to Acoustid
Acoustid links to MusicBrainz Recording 30% difference, multiple submission, multiple other MB linked to Acoustid
Acoustid links to MusicBrainz Recording 20% - 30% difference, only one submission, no other MB linked to Acoustid
Acoustid links to MusicBrainz Recording 20% - 30% difference, only one submission, multiple other MB linked to Acoustid
Acoustid links to MusicBrainz Recording 20% - 30% difference, multiple submission, no other MB linked to Acoustid
Acoustid links to MusicBrainz Recording 20% - 30% difference, multiple submission, multiple other MB linked to Acoustid
Acoustid links to MusicBrainz Recording 10% - 20% difference, only one submission, no other MB linked to Acoustid
Acoustid links to MusicBrainz Recording 10% - 20% difference, only one submission, multiple other MB linked to Acoustid
Acoustid links to MusicBrainz Recording 10% - 20% difference, multiple submission, no other MB linked to Acoustid
Acoustid links to MusicBrainz Recording 10% - 20% difference, multiple submission, multiple other MB linked to Acoustid
Acoustid links to at least five songs with different names
MB Recordings Ids linked to at least 50 Acoustids

These are reports showing Acoustid Albums that may be imported into MusicBrainz

Complete Acoustid Albums not in MusicBrainz - Popular Artists
Complete Acoustid Albums not in MusicBrainz - Smaller Artists
Complete Acoustid Albums not in MusicBrainz - Obscure Artists

Release Groups without any Acoustids Reports

Album release groups that have no acoustid links to any songs in their releases
Studio Album release groups that have no acoustid links to any songs in their releases

Discogs artists that could be linked to a MusicBrainz artist

These are reports of data that make use of MusicBrainz and Discogs data. They try to identify data that could possibly be imported automatically into Musicbrainz but would benefit from some human checking.

MB artist matches Discogs artist and both have a release with same name and the artist names are unique
MB artist matches Discogs artist and the artist names are unique
MB artist latin name matches Discogs artist name and the names are unique
MB artist matches Discogs artist and both have a release with same name (MB artist not unique)
MB artist matches Discogs artist and both have a release with same name (Discogs artist not unique)

Discogs artists that do not appear to be within MusicBrainz

Discogs artists that do not appear to be within MusicBrainz